Nafferton Primary School

"Where Childhood Matters"

01377 254307

Westgate, Nafferton, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 4LJ

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Our Mission Statement 

Kingfishers aspire to be happy and healthy learners. We promise to listen and respect others and be a good friend. We will be ready for learning and try our best. When things are difficult we will ask for help and help each other. We will celebrate our good work, effort and behaviour.

Our bean plants have grown!

Position and Direction

HSBC Money lesson PSHE

Science planting beans and setting up an investigation 'What do plants need to grow?'

Maths - Position and direction describing and performing turns

HARVEST understanding the difference between needs and wants

Maths - fractions

Science - planting bean plants

Geography - using an atlas to name and locate the worlds' oceans and continents

Forest schools Burton Agnes Where the Wild Things Are inspired session Nature crowns, dens for Max, Wild thing mud faces and hot chocolate around the fire

Measuring mass

Mass and capacity

Forest Schools

DT moving picture cards

Money in maths recognising coins and notes

Making tortilla wrap pizzas

KS1 visit to Sewerby Hall and Gardens to learn what life was like living in a house 100 years ago

3D shape activities

Sorting 2D shapes

TT Rockstars day!

Practical maths - comparing groups of objects using fewer than more than and the same as.

Computing - naming the main parts of a desktop computer. Logging on and using the mouse to click and drag.

Year 1 Maths - Money week. We learnt to recognise the different coins and notes before learning how to count and compare amount.

Practical maths comparing numbers using greater than less than and equal to