Nafferton Primary School

"Where Childhood Matters"

01377 254307

Westgate, Nafferton, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 4LJ

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PSHE at Nafferton



HARVEST is our PSHE Curriculum – within HARVEST we ensure that children become well-rounded individuals who love to learn. At Nafferton, we pride ourselves on the children’s social and emotional understanding; we have extremely high expectations of manners and behaviour in all areas of school life.

Our HARVEST curriculum is led through different books. The children explore ideas, objectives and themes in a story-based session. These PSHE sessions are held in the Yurt as Circle Time. Different themes are explored throughout the curriculum including racism, diversity, discrimination, gender roles, challenging stereotypes and different cultures and beliefs. Alongside the books, there are key questions to allow the children to deepen their understanding of the word around them with key concepts covering British Values, SMSC, economics, healthy relationships, mental health and wellbeing and protected characteristics – our end goal is to prepare children for life in modern day Britain whilst also ensuring they have an enriched childhood full of memorable experiences.

Embedded into our curriculum is the aspect of safety – including staying safe online. We follow a program called Natterhub which allows us to focus on E Safety; whilst also exploring different lesson focuses which allow our children to develop their understanding and confidence in the digital world.

Our HARVEST ethos is explored through our PSHE lessons ensuring that children understand the meaning of the words – progressing into understanding how this ethos can help their school, community and wider world.

RSHE is an essential part of our PSHE curriculum; we have strong links with the school nurse and we have held different parent meetings to share resources and explain thoroughly how our RSHE is delivered. During the summer term, we follow the Christopher Winter Programme which looks at changing bodies, puberty, different families and healthy relationships. Sex education is taught in Year 6 alongside the school nurse – we notify parents and carers about when these lessons are taught.  

HARVEST is embedded within our everyday school life and therefore PSHE is touched upon daily. Our weekly lessons allow us to explore and deepen our understanding of the world around us but our children’s empathy, understanding and behaviour demonstrates the impact our PSHE and HARVEST ethos has within our school environment.


Nafferton School PSHE Overview

Nafferton School RSHE Overview